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September 13, 2003

There's Something About a Man with a Lived in Face

I've been listening to a special on Johnny Cash, whose music I love. I shall never see him play and sing live again. It is very sad -- as though a part of myself had gone. He touched something in me that I shall miss -- perhaps a connection to the people he sings of -- perhaps a connection to something ephemeral within myself--something I have lost. (Man in black, The Gazette, Sept. 13, 03)

Contrary to popular belief, Cash spent only one day in jail. But he did record two albums at prisons. His music resonated with inmates, with the afflicted, the struggling, the heartsick and the unlucky, but with a broader public, too.

The songs he sang, many of which he wrote himself, made him one of the trail-blazers who moved country and western music into the mainstream, and he had more genuine country sensibility than a whole limo-load of designer-attired agent-created hat acts.

[. . . .]

His music, his unmistakable voice and his craggy, dignified, sorrowful face made him as instantly identifiable as any musician of recent times. His death yesterday, at age 71, will sadden all his fans, a very large group, indeed.


Update: Correcting The Record - Stephen Harper

Correcting The Record - Stephen Harper Do link to this and all the other links here.

The accusations are that he deliberately slammed our judicial system by pointing out that Judges in the country are appointed by the government in power and that this government is forcing it's social agenda on us through the back door by failing to fight in the courts when judges make their decisions. He is alleged to have intimated that a conspiracy was going on. The issue came to a head when three unelected judges in Ontario decided on their own that gays could marry and thereby threw into doubt the entire concept of marriage as being between one man and one woman in this country. Immediately gays were rushing off to Toronto, getting married and Canadians went into a tailspin. The government so far has refused to appeal this situation.

Stephen Harper is pointing out the truth--that:

***Judges in the country are appointed by the government in power and that this government is forcing it's social agenda on us***

Harper is Prime Ministerial material. Remember that!

Do look at the following, as well:That Canadian Alliance Outfit If you want to know more, link to The Canadian Alliance. Canadians need to open their minds to democracy, to being represented, not dominated by people who see being an MP as a licence to dominate. An MP is a representative, not a dictator, nor an innovator when it comes to developing policies which go against what most of his/her constituents want.


Don't Miss This -- Especially if You Live in Ontario; Then Note Adrienne's Junket

The Star Gives Tories Needed Boost! The Canuckistanian posted a lengthy and informative post here today. Then, don't miss these.

Arafat Is Going!

Adrienne's junket

Beginning Sept. 23, Ms. Clarkson, her husband John Ralston Saul and 59 other "prominent Canadians" will spend more than three weeks sloshing around Russia, Finland and Iceland. Among Ms. Clarkson's selected guests are well-known figures from the left-leaning, Trudeau-era media clique she knows so well, such as long-time CBC apparatchik Mark Starowicz and Bob Rae, the socialist ex-premier of Ontario. The Governor-General says the purpose of the junket is to help Canadians affirm a "shared northern identity" with their hosts. Total cost to taxpayers: more than $1-million.

My Commentary:

That is MORE THAN ONE MILLION CANADIAN TAXPAYER DOLLARS! Does the Auditor General look at her expense accounting? I would strongly suggest it. How does our GG and mini-GG justify this use of taxpayer dollars?

Canada's own royalty, a woman, imported, risen through the ranks at the CBC and the Liberal party, but especially, a friend of the PM. How Canadian! Now, travelling the world with what I read today is her coterie of media elites--compliments of the taxpayers' of Canada. And, noblesse oblige, planning another sortie next year. How hard-working of her and--is it Mr. Clarkson? Was he appointed GG too? He deigns to speak for us by times, as well--on Canadian wines, seemingly his particular expertise. Also, how Canadian! How Liberal!

Canadian royalty courts the polar bears--not the Americans with whom Canadians overwhelmingly trade. We are not American! Adrienne shows them where they fit! How Liberal! How Liberal Canadian!
