An American in TO Debbye has a post on Liberal social engineering and growing intolerance for what they don't like.
Defining Liberty in Canada
It also seems to me that the outrage is, when all the arguments are stripped down, less about gay marriage than about a overly strong, centralized Federal government that leads less and socially engineers more. Had the government actually tackled this question, the courts would not have had to.
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The outrage also about the increased scorn and derision heaped on religious life both here and in the US by those same social engineers who also decry Boy Scouts, cowboys, truly competitive sports, women who chose to stay home to raise their children, visible minorities who vote Canadian Alliance and people who chose home schooling over the mess being run by the Boards of Education.
It's long past time to challenge those Liberals who promote what rational people must recognize as intolerance.
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The battleground for Canadians (and Americans) could better be over the mis-named education system, the worship of diversity so long as it's unchallengeable political bias is liberal, the pseudo-science trumpeted by environmental pressure groups who have done more to restrict our ability to provide the power necessary to fuel our ever-growing cities, the failure in Canada to have a Charter that protects ownership of property, in short, the growing nanny state that seeks to impose equal inferiority on all instead of letting individuals strive for excellence