Francois on the Libertarian Position on Gay Marriage
The French Libertarian Aug. 7, 03 presents a good argument against what I have been saying in reference to gay marriage. Read the excerpt; then go to his site for several posts on the libertarian position.
My kick at the can
Let me try my hand at this. I’m afraid that I won’t be as convincing [as The Canadian in his post August 6, 03] because I can’t offer as much fear or a scapegoat, but I’ll give it a try.
The question of gay marriage is really quite simple. Rights and benefits are accorded to people who’s unions are recognized by the state. Not recognizing gay unions deprives these people of the same rights and benefits enjoyed by heterosexuals.
[. . . .]
The problem is that while we may be part of the hetero majority, we are also all part of a minority as defined by some other standard. Are you fat, skinny, tall or short? Left handed? A stamp collector? Like to wear loud ties? What if the majority suddenly decides that YOU are no longer a full class citizen?
There is no such thing as “gay rights”, there are only human rights. When we allow one human’s rights to be abridged we set the precedent. Sooner or later, our rights will also go under the knife.