I have received a couple of items today; this is one of them. The other will be posted later.
The Grapes Of Rant
I am sorry I ever read your blog; now I have to subscribe to The National Post and then check-out Jack's blog daily. You're ruining my day. What is the point of living in laid-back BC if you have to contemplate the sorry mess in Ottawa? J***s, we just got rid of one leftie bozo government and you keep harping about their clone clowns in Ottawa. But I must admit that you guys have ole Bud's blood a-boiling on some topics.
So here goes. Hedy Fry, a true BC flake, is back in the news again. Instead of "The KKK is burning crosses in Prince George, as I speak", she now sees any opposition to "gay marriage" as a streak of homophobia that verges on "segregation". Hedy just can not move on from her KKK obsession.