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August 19, 2003

Let's Hope the Rumour is True!

Please, say it's so! Editorial, Calgary Sun. Aug. 19, 03

At last, some good news for Canadians who've grown weary of waiting to see what new trick Prime Minister Jean Chretien will pull out of his hat during his long goodbye.

Yesterday, a spokesman in his office said "the prime minister will plan his transition with his successor in the best interests of the party and the country."

Any reasonable-thinking Canadian would interpret that as meaning Chretien may be ready to do an about face from earlier assurances he will stay on as "Da Boss" until February.

That would be months after PM-in-waiting Paul Martin is elected as Liberal leader in November. It would mean, in essence, that during those months, there would be two people running Canada, one with a mandate from his party, another stubbornly clinging to his title as PM.

Why? Apparently, as with most of Chretien's outrageous manoeuvres lately, because he can.

Now, however, it appears his own Liberal caucus is finally working up enough courage to rain on Chretien's retirement parade.

The federal Liberals meet today in North Bay, Ont. for a caucus retreat, and by all accounts, they are not happy campers. The latest sore point is Chretien's same-sex marriage legislation, which some Liberal MPs complain is an attempt to sabotage the Liberal Party once he's gone.

[. . . .]

It will be good news if Chretien leaves early.

Even better news if his successor moves quickly to reduce the frightening level of unchecked power concentrated in the PMO.

Mull over that last sentence. JC give up power? I'm waiting -- as are most Canadians, I suspect.

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