It's like giving Dracula's name to a blood bank. (Gilles Rheaume, quoted in Fredericton's Daily Gleaner, Aug. 22, 03, A6)
While I do not endorse Gilles Rheaume's reasons for saying this--as president of the Mouvement souverainiste du Quebec, he hated Trudeau's influence to stop separatism--I heartily agree with the statement.
Was it not under the over-praised Trudeau that the feds decided to downgrade Dorval and send international traffic to the moribund Mirabel Airport -- after expropriating much flat farming land? It has been a costly failure -- as has the Charter! With the latter, we are so hamstrung by a piece of paper cobbled together by extremely fallible human beings--a political document which is not based on reality--that we cannot protect traditional values that buttress communities nor our borders -- and the Federal Liberalss are still praising this man! Surely, the Charter should be ripped up and we should go back to English Common Law and precedent? Stop revering this man just because he was a long-lived Liberal. Can't you see already the elevation of the sons in the Liberal-controlled media?