The Canadian, in his own inimitable way, has come up with a solution to the runaway disintegration under the federal Liberals of so much that Canadians hold dear.
Members must remember to keep church and state separate
The Charter is wrong...the Bill Of Rights is WRONG..and we are paying a huge price for that error.
It is my personal opinion, but one that I truly believe!
I'm going to share a little secret with that you may not have really considered.
That secret is Independent MP's -- and I will tell you why.
ALL the organized parties have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.
If you truly want honest representation in Parliament, then what you must consider is returning an MP to Ottawa who can vote his conscience on EVERY BILL that comes before the house.
No party bullshit.
Before you dismiss it out of hand, read the whole post -- and think about it! The present party system is destroying our country. This is a sensible and possible solution.