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August 07, 2003

Two Posts You Must Read: They're Excellent!

The Canadian and Debbye (An American in T.O.) have two great posts on the proliferating crime problem in Toronto -- and the problems Police Chief Julian Fantino and his men in blue encounter in trying to combat crime. I have quoted Jack's comments--but not the whole article--below because they deserve to be repeated and READ, noted and acted upon.

Toronto the Not-Good

Debbye asks some great questions but something must be kept in mind. Julien Fantino, because of his job, is a political animal. He must say the right things or lose the support (read financing) of the Liberal "elite" in this country.

He knows that and so he tries -- DAMN, HOW HE TRIES!

Truth be known -- and I don't care who takes offense -- TORONTO is the immigration focal point of a brand new wave of thugs. Gunmen from Jamaica -- Muslims "Jihadi's" from the Middle East -- "tongs" (and yes, Jihaddi's) from Southeast-Asia.

A lot of fine people come here from those areas of the world and they make Canada a better place but there is the "trash" that comes with them -- the thugs!

Toronto is where they head!

These thugs are struggling for control of a very lucrative market -- Toronto -- a HUGE drug market -- and every time there is a shooting you can bet that is what is going on.

How the hell does Fantino deal with that?

It is a problem foisted off on him by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and they won't even give him the funds or the manpower to sort it out. What a bunch of self-serving jerks!

Have you any idea what kind of "paper" this bullshit generates for police?

I'll share something with you -- NINE HOURS to process a simple common DOMESTIC assault -- because of all the "rules" placed on police by our courts.


That cop you pay $60,000.00 per year to protect you is off the road and unavailable for NINE HOURS because he must sit in front of a computer and satisfy a defence lawyer!

Imagine what happens when a murder takes place -- just IMAGINE.

Don't even get me started on THIS situation!

I can rant for hours!

That cop you pay so much money for is in a legal straightjacket thanks to the "feds" and while that is going on these feds YOU PAY SO MUCH MONEY FOR import more of these violent little bastards who kill without a thought -- pay for their defence out of YOUR pocket -- and give them a "walk" at every opportunity.

Julien Fantino has a job I would never want and I applaud him for managing to hold it all together.

Not many men could do that little trick -- but HE DOES!

A final thought!

Perhaps he should run for Prime Minister some day.

Then Canada would have a REAL leader. We have a few you know!

I'm getting very tired of "wimps"!


I concur. We need strong leaders and Chief Fantino is strong on this issue. The rest of us are tired of the wimps too! And a government that supports the rights of foreign criminals over those of the ones who pay the bills -- a government that will bring into Canada anything on two legs that will vote Liberal -- a government that is allowing parliamentary democracy to be usurped by courts full of its left-liberal appointees -- et cetera! Read some great articles on the latter in today's National Post.

Come on Canadians! Let's resolve to not take it any more! Vote for another vision of our country! Vote the b******s out and vote in individuals who stand for re-establishing OUR control of OUR OWN country -- individuals who stand for something beyond political expedience!

Nota Bene: I have added bolding of things I want noted.

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