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October 17, 2003

The Most Unselfish Act in Canadian Politics!

Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay have just put their own jobs on the line for the good of Canada! What an honourable, unselfish act!

The Canukistanian has blogged this excerpt from David Frum's article and I requested permission to post the whole of this -- which he always gladly gives. Thanks, Jack.


David Frum weighs in and I agree with him!

The agreement between Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay to form a new conservative party out of the old Canadian Alliance and Progressive Conservatives is obviously a huge political event. But it is also something else: an act of personal courage by two men, each of whom has risen to become a party leader, and at least one of whom has just surrendered that leadership for the sake of his principles and his country. Obviously, these men had their motives. So they should. Politics is no place for people with aspirations to sainthood. Nevertheless:
We have just witnessed the least selfish act in modern Canadian politics. Honour to them both.

I didn't say this in my initial post but Canada has two new heros today! The courage that this decision took to make is amazing. Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay are now political giants on the Canadian landscape and so they should be. They have rightly earned it.

While "Daffy" continues to worry about his legacy (the worst Prime Minister in Canadian history) the political legacy of these two young men is now assured. They will be well remembered as the architects of a new political party that will change the face of this country.

God bless them both!

God bless us all! -- Such a totally unselfish act from Peter and Stephen for the good of Canada deserves our best efforts to make it succeed. Read how to get started below. Again, thanks, Jack for all of the work you have done -- and letting me piggy-back on your effort. NJC

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