I requested and received permission from the Canukistanian to post so much of this. It could be interesting. Certainly, it is not a surprise. But, will Canadians allow this to happen? Will the appointed courts? I am looking forward to feminists weighing in on this. Too many Canadians have been so properly politically correct in Canada. I can't wait for the fallout. NJC
This article appeared in World Net Daily today and while I consider it alarmest at this point in time, it may become a serious issue down the road a bit.
Canadian judges soon will be enforcing Islamic law, or Sharia, in disputes between Muslims, possibly paving the way to one day administering criminal sentences, such as stoning women caught in adultery.
Muslims are required to submit to Sharia in Muslim societies but are excused in nations where they live as a minority under a non-Muslim government.
Canada, however, is preparing for its 1 million-strong Muslim minority to be under the authority of a Sharia system enforced by the Canadian court system, according to the coming next Canadian Law Times.
Muslim delegates at a conference in Etobicoke, Ont., in October elected a 30-member council to establish the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice.
The institute is classified in Islamic law as a Darul-Qada, or judicial tribunal. Its bylaws are scheduled to be drafted and approved by Dec. 31.
Cases will be decided by a Muslim arbitrator, but the local secular Canadian court will be the enforcer.
If there is anything that Canadians are familiar with it is the innate ability of our politicians and UNELECTED Judges to sneak things by us when we aren't looking. This is another example. There is no mention of this latest initiative in the Canadian press.
In case you have missed something here it is called "multiculturalism". We want these people to feel right at home. Please pick up on the fact that our NATIVE CANADIANS can't have their own courts but less than a million new immigrants from Muslim countries get one.
How do these people manage to rate it?
I may be old fashioned but I firmly believe that when people immigrate to a new country they ACCEPT the law and the way of life in that new land. They DO NOT start to refashion it in their own image. It's sort of like inviting a really bad guest into your home -- a guest who wants to redecorate and refashion it into something HE is happy with. Please note that I use the term "HE". The reason for that is that the "SHE" part of a Muslim household HAS NO SAY!
"She" is a "non-person".
As a final thought. If anyone has any doubts about what Sharia law is capable of generating all they have to do is ask an Afghani or an Iraqi. They will be more than happy to share their experiences with you. If that doesn't convince you maybe this will!
Arbitration was not deemed to be practical because there was no way to enforce the decisions. Syed said the laws have recently changed with amendments to the Arbitration Act.
"Now, once an arbitrator decides cases, it is final and binding. The parties can go to the local secular Canadian court asking that it be enforced. The court has no discretion in the matter.