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November 27, 2003

This is only Part of This Post on Crime

Sometimes, I am chastised for being too blunt. Perhaps I am -- but I am tired of pussyfooting around what we can see before us -- when politicians and the media deny its existence. The Canukistanian has an excellent post up on our justice system and crime. There are several references. Here is some of it. And I think bluntness is called for. It is crunch time -- or we go down the violence tube. NJC

Just duck and, gosh, be happy!

Jamaicans are only the tip of the iceburg. Vietnamese gangs are lethal when it comes to protecting their turf.

Beginning in 1995, however, the motorcyclists began to be edged out by Vietnamese gangs that not only recruited low-cost immigrant workers to the trade but also were more willing to use beatings and murder to shut out competitors.

"The Vietnamese," a U.S. law enforcement official said, "make the Hell's Angels look like angels."

Just last month, for example, a 24-year-old Vietnamese immigrant named John Ly was beaten to death in his rented house in Burnaby, a Vancouver suburb, where he lived with his wife and children. The police found 140 marijuana plants growing in the basement. It was the fourth such gangland-style murder in eight weeks.

So are the newly immigrated Russian gangs and a host of others. As soon as they come to Canada they all head for the same place -- Toronto -- and they continue to do what they did in their native lands. They kill each other for profit, revenge or in some cases simply because someone did not show the proper respect for them.

They also kill innocent people who get in their way!

Changing gun laws or making sentences much harsher is not going to help solve Toronto's problems. The only solution that may work is restricting entry to Canada so that they can't get in -- and booting them out FAST when we find they have sneaked in under our radar (which they will attempt to do). Canada is now a prime immigration target for people that have less than our best interests at heart. It is long past time that we stopped fooling ourselves and dealt with the situation before it gets entirely out of control.

The Toronto Sun gets the last word here.

Unlike the Star, we know there's a crisis.

We know it's time for a public inquiry.

Unlike the Star, we see dead people.

It's time our politicians saw them too.

Well said!

Well, there you have it. Straight from the horse's mouth. Link to this and read the rest. How is that for blunt? NJC


Is Europe Going to Act?

Al Qaeda Targets Israel and the World
Nov 27, '03 / 2 Kislev 5764

The world is on Al-Qaeda alert - and Israel has been the most recent to be targeted.

[. . . .]

In a related item, "This will be a quick and immediate procedure to prevent the terrorism war from arriving in other European capitals," the British diplomat said. In addition to Great Britain, other countries that have agreed to this step are the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyasah reports that European countries plan to expel thousands of Moslem "refugees" beginning in February 2004. The paper quotes a British diplomat to the effect that rising terrorism has led the EU to decide to formulate a joint counter-terrorism plan - including the expulsion of Middle Eastern, Asian and African Moslems. Preparations for the deportations have already begun. In addition to Great Britain, other countries that have agreed to this step are France, Spain and Italy - despite their objections to similar plans for many years. Some of the candidates for deportation are wanted by their native governments. "Their fate is up to their own governments," the diplomat was quoted as saying. "Throughout the years in which they lived amongst us, they showed ungratefulness for the protection we provided them."

Some 28 million Moslems currently live in the European Union, of whom 25% are citizens and another 40% are illegal aliens.


Is Canada Preparing to Enforce Islamic Law?

I requested and received permission from the Canukistanian to post so much of this. It could be interesting. Certainly, it is not a surprise. But, will Canadians allow this to happen? Will the appointed courts? I am looking forward to feminists weighing in on this. Too many Canadians have been so properly politically correct in Canada. I can't wait for the fallout. NJC

Canada preparing to enforce Islamic law


1:20 PM Thursday, November 27, 2003

This article appeared in World Net Daily today and while I consider it alarmest at this point in time, it may become a serious issue down the road a bit.

Canadian judges soon will be enforcing Islamic law, or Sharia, in disputes between Muslims, possibly paving the way to one day administering criminal sentences, such as stoning women caught in adultery.

Muslims are required to submit to Sharia in Muslim societies but are excused in nations where they live as a minority under a non-Muslim government.

Canada, however, is preparing for its 1 million-strong Muslim minority to be under the authority of a Sharia system enforced by the Canadian court system, according to the coming next Canadian Law Times.

Muslim delegates at a conference in Etobicoke, Ont., in October elected a 30-member council to establish the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice.

The institute is classified in Islamic law as a Darul-Qada, or judicial tribunal. Its bylaws are scheduled to be drafted and approved by Dec. 31.

Cases will be decided by a Muslim arbitrator, but the local secular Canadian court will be the enforcer.

If there is anything that Canadians are familiar with it is the innate ability of our politicians and UNELECTED Judges to sneak things by us when we aren't looking. This is another example. There is no mention of this latest initiative in the Canadian press.

In case you have missed something here it is called "multiculturalism". We want these people to feel right at home. Please pick up on the fact that our NATIVE CANADIANS can't have their own courts but less than a million new immigrants from Muslim countries get one.

How do these people manage to rate it?

I may be old fashioned but I firmly believe that when people immigrate to a new country they ACCEPT the law and the way of life in that new land. They DO NOT start to refashion it in their own image. It's sort of like inviting a really bad guest into your home -- a guest who wants to redecorate and refashion it into something HE is happy with. Please note that I use the term "HE". The reason for that is that the "SHE" part of a Muslim household HAS NO SAY!

"She" is a "non-person".

As a final thought. If anyone has any doubts about what Sharia law is capable of generating all they have to do is ask an Afghani or an Iraqi. They will be more than happy to share their experiences with you. If that doesn't convince you maybe this will!

You won't like what is coming next!

Arbitration was not deemed to be practical because there was no way to enforce the decisions. Syed said the laws have recently changed with amendments to the Arbitration Act.

"Now, once an arbitrator decides cases, it is final and binding. The parties can go to the local secular Canadian court asking that it be enforced. The court has no discretion in the matter.

The post above has had several updates. Link to Canada preparing to enforce Islamic law for the rest. NJC


Khadr's Lawyer: Why Does Canada Not Bring Khadr Home?

Canadian officials 'lying': Khadr lawyer Nov. 26, 03

OTTAWA - A lawyer for a Canadian terror suspect released weeks ago from a U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba says officials in Ottawa are "lying through their teeth" and keeping him in the dark about information regarding his client.

Rocco Galati was responding to the Prime Minister's Office statement that the government learned about Abdulrahman Khadr's release to Afghanistan weeks ago.

He said the family was never informed about his release and that Khadr has been shunned by Canadian consular officials who refuse to help him return to Canada. [Heavens! Terrible! We must make amends! NJC]

"If they knew he was released, why didn't they petition to have him brought back here," Galati told

"The government hasn't returned any of my calls since Monday. Why don't they phone and contact me and give me some information," he said.

Khadr, 20, who was sent to Afghanistan late last month, was arrested there as part of a roundup of suspected al-Qaeda members after the fall of the Taliban in November 2001

PMO spokesman Steven Hogue refused to comment as to why Khadr's family was not informed about his release.

"It appears that Mr. Khadr chose not to come back to Canada," he said, adding there's no record of Khadr going to any embassy to get his passport and that he can return to Canada anytime.

[. . . .]

He said he was glad to hear that Paul Martin made similar comments Tuesday that Khadr was welcome back to Canada but "he should check with his department officials. They're lying through their teeth to him."

My Commentary:

Paul Martin, you don't speak for me when you say this kid is welcome back to Canada. Why on earth would Canadians want this kid returned to Canada? He is, from all reports, from the Khadr family of Al Qaeda members. But that is not the spirit of Multicult is it? Canada has its own variation on the United States' welcome "Bring me your tired and your weary . . . .". In Canada, our government welcomes with "Bring me your violent, your terrorists, your ignorant and uneducated, your welfare deadbeats, your liars and your cheats, your gang members and their guns . . . . ". You get the drill. And Khadr's lawyer (Who pays his bills, anyway? Taxpayers?) has the nerve to say this?

Nota Bene:

***"If they knew he was released, why didn't they petition to have him brought back here," Galati told***

Note that he is speaking to the CBC. I wonder why. NJC


Our Courts In Thier Usual Protecting Canadians Mode

Terror suspect wins stay of deportation, Globe and Mail, Nov. 27, 03

Terror suspect Hassan Almrei's desperate bid to stay in Canada was given a new lease on life Thursday when a Toronto judge ordered his deportation order stayed while the courts review his case.

Judge Edmond Blanchard said that Mr. Almrei, who has been held in custody since October, 2001, would suffer irreparable harm if he is deported and misses the chance to appear again in a Canadian court.

Mr. Almrei, 29, admitted taking weapons training to fight the infidel regime in early 1990s Afghanistan but insisted that he was only a devout Muslim, not a fanatic or religious extremist. He said in an affidavit revealed this week that Osama bin Laden was not a big name that I knew of at the time, and I did not support him.

"The Saudi government was encouraging youth to go there, he writes in his affidavit, adding that he avoided armed combat while in Afghanistan. I was issued an AK-47, but I never used it. There were skirmishes ... but I was not involved in them. [And we all believe you, as did the judge. NJC]

He insists his experience with jihad brought him into contact only with anti-Soviet factions, and not with Mr. bin Laden or the fundamentalist Taliban regime. . . . he travelled through central Asia for years before returning to Saudi Arabia. [without proper travel documents? NJC]

He visited Canada in early 1999 and asked at a mosque how best to make a refugee claim. The claim he eventually made, he acknowledges, glossed over his time in Afghanistan. He won status as a refugee but came under CSIS scrutiny when it was discovered that he had used a bogus United Arab Emirates passport.

My Commentary:

Why would Canadians not believe him? After all, he used a false passport and lied by omission. How did he manage to travel to so many countries without proper travel documents anyway -- and where did he get the United Arab Emirates passport? He will make a fine, upstanding Canadian member of Multicult and a Liberal voter, won't he? NJC
