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February 24, 2004

Bud Kicks In

Crime Spree in Toronto

What in H*** is going on with the court system in Hogtown? Police Chief Fantino held a press conference to outline this weekend's carnage. With the human rights groups on his case about "racism", he was careful to identify only the areas where the crimes were committed. If you know Toronto, it isn't too hard to identify them as predominately black areas. Murders, stabbings, robberies and home invasions were all part of the litany. Some tourist from St. Lucia visiting relatives was murdered when she interrupted a jewellry store robbery.

The common thread to many of these crimes is the fact that many of the thugs are out on bail or on parole when they commit these atrocities. One violent criminal arrested Sunday was out on bail for committing another crime, while out on probation. Fantino sighed and said, "I hope we don't have to track him down again tomorrow." Echoing Fantino's complaints is the National Post's editorial (Monday, Feb. 23) which points out that the majority of these crimes are committed by career criminals who have been given light sentences or given probation. To rectify the jump in serious felonies, we have Mayor Dennis Miller's leftish solutions that, combined, amount to a "Group hug"; rather than a serious approach -- that is, slamming the cell door on these repeat offenders. Community youth centers for kids who make thousands a week in robberies or drug dealing is a joke -- although it makes a grand place to sell those drugs in the winter. Wouldn't want the punks getting frost-bite now would we? If you are a reader of the London, UK magazine, The Spectator, you would see the similarity in how serious crime escalated under the mayorship of "Red Ken" Livingstone. The same list of looney-left solutions to the problem there (a problem now greater than that of New York City's) includes endorsing lenient sentences for the under-priveleged.

If Toronto's mayor allows this kind of drift to continue, we will see the city suffer the same fate as numerous cities in the US -- financially deserted inner cores of uncontrolled criminal activity that guts the cities of any vitality. The reason that Montreal forced amalgamation of its satellite cities into a metropolitan entity was because Montreal was going bankrupt. Mel Lastman might have been a clown, but he was not as dangerous to the public's security as the new mayor seems.

(copyright) Bud

Just Say No to Race-based Tax Exemptions

Now the Indians want to be tax exempt even if they live off the reserve. In March, 2002, trial judge Campbell brought down a ruling that Treaty 8 Indians didn't have to pay taxes whethever they lived. He based his decision on some oral history hocus pocus the natives came up with. Luckily, the Federal Court of Appeals shot that nonsense down The indians say they will take their claim to the Supreme Court.

Can you image the resentment that would occur if some Vancouver factory worker who did the same job as a native had his pay cheque docked by a thousand or so in taxes, while his Indian colleague walked away with his full wage. Besides the poisoned inter-racial relationships, there would be claims made by the Indians for hundreds of millions of back taxes paid, with interest. And who is going to make up the lost millions in payouts and lost tax revenue? The rest of us suckers, of course. If the Supreme Court allows this rip-off to go on, then they have lost all credibility.

(copyright) Bud

They don't have much credibility left with those of us who have no use for politically appointed judges, anyway, Bud. They're just more of the pork and patronage dispensed from the bowels--think about that word!--of the PMO. NJC

The Farce of the UN Human Rights Commission

I have read that Louise Arbour has been designated the head of this Commission. I say farce because its record is so absurdly the opposite of human rights. This was proved at their last big shindig in Durban, where they found that the only violator of human rights was -- yes, Israel. This, from delegates of countries that have the blood of millions on their hands!

Sudan springs to mind. Here is a country that has persecuted its black Christian south for decades, resulting in millions being killed or forced into exile by its Muslim north. Are they censored by the Human Rights Commission? Of course not. Israel is the villain -- please keep to the script.

Cuba and Zimbabwe, those paragons of democracy, also managed to escape unscathed.

The very fact that the UN would allow this band of rogue dictatorships to be on the Human Rights Commission means that Arbour's leadership will be nullified from the start. The Muslim countries on it have banded together to make sure that persecution of homosexuals never sees the light of day on the agenda. In fact, there is a gentlemen's agreement amongst the worst of them to make sure that they supress any mention of each other's failings on the human rights front. A sort of "those without sin cast the first stone" accord. America, unlike Canada, has cut off all funding for this UN branch. With a Canadian leader as chief, we can expect to see Graham and those of "the soft power" persuasion kowtowing to the most incredible nonsense that will flow out of it.

(copyright) Bud

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