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February 24, 2004

The CBC -- By Their Little Tricks Ye Shall Know Them

Feb. 24, on CBC's Morning program there was a story about Ontario provincial Conservatives who were dipping into the till -- a provincial sponsorship scandal. Identified among them was Tom Long. The CBC is glad for any news that spreads the slime away from the Liberals for a change, and fair enough, I say. If the Ontario Conservatives were wasting the taxpayers' money, then go get them. However, the picture that CBC chose to use of Long had him hoisting hands with Preston Manning. Manning had nothing to do with how Long abused provincial tax funds, but the link was made gratuitously. Dirty pool, but one that stems from the united Conservative's suggestion that cutting the CBC TV funding would be a good place to start excising the carnival of waste. Even with their near billion dollars of federal funding, the CBC doesn't perform well. Yes, they do have some excellent programming; nevertheless, we do not need three reruns of the same show within a week. Mansbridge: One on One, rebroadcasts itself twice on Sunday. On top of that, they cannibalize their programs so much that the 10 o'clock news might give you the gist of the Disclosure expose to come. There is now no reason to actually watch the original program--which will be put in reruns, as well. I noticed that this Tuesday's CBC programming has knocked out two of their better new shows in favour of more hockey. Or have the few episodes of The Newsroom and This is Wonderland come to a close after only a month of showings?

(copyright) Bud--Sorry! But I am like a crack addict when it comes to flogging the CBC.

Join the aware crowd, Bud. The CBC practices guilt by association -- on everyone except Paul Martin. The CBC are desperate! Must not allow change! Must distort in the service of the Mother Corp!

CBC's new motto should be Biased, Distorted, Perfected -- journalism as usual at the CBC. NJC

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