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February 05, 2004

Two More Posts: The Death Penalty -- Polls: Why They Do Not Matter

Death Penalty

This is a horrific story; do link and read the whole thing.

[. . . . The] imposition of the death penalty is richly deserved in many cases where the issue of guilt is clear.

The case regarding the murder of Farah Khan, in the news today, is just such a situation. One cannot help but be affected by the antics of her killer -- a useless piece of fecal matter if I ever I have seen one. If ever there was a prime example that may be used for advancing the argument that the Death Penalty should be reinstated this is the one. At this time he has yet to be found guilty by a jury of his "peers" (somehow I doubt that anyone might be considered HIS peer) but he has clearly, out of his own mouth, convicted himself and so I feel it permissible to jump the gun a bit on this.

Let's see why I am so upset!

[. . . .] At one point, he even appeared to believe he could speak privately to Det.-Constable Bazmi, suggesting that surely, as reasonable men, they could work out a secret arrangement.

"Please, for God's sakes, have pity on me," he cried.

[Comment: Where in the world would he ever get the idea that he could bargain with the police? Silly question -- Pakistan of course!]

Father's histrionics fill the air on Farah's birthday By Christie Blatchford, February 5, 2004 - Page A12

The larger problem, for his lawyers, is that in the process, Mr. Khan has showed himself to be a man who can lie through his teeth even as he swears on the Koran he is telling the truth and that he will use every trick in the Bollywood playbook -- from weeping to moaning to folding his hands prayerfully -- to save himself.

Anyone who has ever been in Pakistan--and a few other places, particularly Muslim countries, outside North America--already knows this, but it doesn't seem to have crossed the minds of the characters who decide on Canadians' security and what our country becomes through immigration and refugee decisions. This is an extreme example -- until you read what it reveals of a Muslim's attitude toward girls and women. NJC

Polls: Why They Do Not Matter

Just watch what question is asked and who sponsors them, who pays for them. Then watch whether the pollster is a regular guest on CBC. That, too, is a dead giveaway as to his personal and political leanings and what his polls are likely to show -- but I am a cynic.

Harper No.1 in poll -- Name recognition factor in Conservative race by Bill Rodgers, Ottawa Bureau Chief

OTTAWA -- Stephen Harper is the first choice of Canadians if they could vote in the Conservative leadership race, according to a SES/Sun Media poll. When asked to rank the "profiles" of three candidates, based only on their political or private sector experience and ability to speak both official languages, 41% preferred Harper's resume. Former Ontario cabinet minister Tony Clement ranked second at 26%. Both Clement and Harper, the former Canadian Alliance leader, speak English and French. The unilingual, former auto parts executive Belinda Stronach placed third with 20%.

Of the 1,000 Canadians surveyed last week, 12% were undecided

[. . . .]Based on just their names, respondents ranked the candidates (see percentages). [. . . .]




Another poll favoured Belinda

The poll, conducted by Northstar Research Partners for the Belinda Stronach campaign, found that 41 percent of Canadians would vote for Belinda, 28 percent for Harper and 19 percent for Clement. Of those surveyed, 13 percent of Canadians say they are undecided.

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