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March 21, 2004

A Joy to Behold: A Grassroots Democratic Movement Scores Big

Stephen Harper is the new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. It was a victory for all those little people.

They saw through the

* cynical opportunism of some politicians and assorted guns for hire,
* bags of money strewn about, and
* the back room boys -- the ones who caused conservatives to be so fed up that they broke off and formed a grassroots movement.

The back room boys and the politicians who tried to muscle their provincial workers into voting as they were ordered have been served their just desserts. The worm has turned and the little people have spoken. They want integrity; they want substance, not flash. They want honesty, not the usual Liberal empty promises and bribery of the few with the money of the taxpaying many.

Take that, you back room operators who just could not believe that someone of integrity could take the reigns without being beholden to you. It is a joy to see what a grass roots democratic movement can accomplish!

Now, politicians, stop intimidating people about how to vote just because, at the time, your government pays their salaries with taxpayers' money. Do your job -- and stop using threats--veiled or otherwise--to influence voters who happen to work for your government.

Maybe now it is time the unions got out of the business of supporting the NDP--whether their members support the NDP or not--as well. Let people put their money where they wish.

Finally, let's have individual support of political parties -- not government allocation of your tax dollars to prop up the Liberals who brought in the legislation. There are a few other ideas for improvement in our democracy -- but, these will wait for another time.

Let's just celebrate the emergence of a credible leader and winning party which will give Paul Martin and his claque a run for Canadians' tax money. NJC

There are several posts today:

1. RCMP, Sgt. Stenhouse, Cpl. Read: Where is Canada's Investigative Press on This Story?

2. We Need Whistleblower Legislation: Zaccardelli 'Biased' in Veteran RCMP Officer's Firing

3. Witness: Liberal Corruption -- Living High on the Canadian Taxpayers

4. Liberal Sponsorship/ Adscam/ Slush Fund Scandal: It's Called Getting Rid of the Paper Trail

5. Canada's Terrorist Family: The Khadrs -- Adding Insult to Injury

6. Liberal Sponsorship/ Adscam/ Slush Fund Scandal: When is Jean Chretien Going to Be Grilled by the Commons Public Accounts Committee?

7. Islamic Fundamentalists: Killing OK -- Drinking, Not (Bahrain)

8. Al Qaeda: Terrorists Strategy -- Divide and Conquer

9. Liberal Sponsorship/ Adscam/ Slush Fund Scandal: Paul Martin Didn't Know a Thing? -- Copps' Flags Made in China?

10. Liberals Funnelled Money: No Misperception

11. Warning: New Computer Virus Variants

12. Update: How Crass! How Liberal! -- A Pre-Election Goodie for Bombardier -- Designed to Buy Votes? -- Guess Where? Is this the price of keeping JC quiescent -- of not mentioning that perhaps PM knew a little more than he has acknowledged so far? Of votes in Quebec? Or am I too cynical?

Update: Bud from BC on the Harper Win and the CBC

With Trembling Hands CBC Sets Up the Poison IV Drip.

It didn't take long for Harper's prophecy to come true -- his prediction about the CPC party--and himself, in particular--being attacked viciously.

A CBC morning news segment (Sunday, March 21, 04) had that slimy Carol MacNeil asking Harper, "Tell us how Canadians can trust your party with such issues as immigration and Quebec." Stephen handled that question nicely. An interesting word, "trust". Does the Carol or the CBC have any inkling about the import to Canadians of the corruption that even the CBC is forced to report every day? We can trust the Liberals? On immigration? They make legitimate immigrants wait for years sometimes; yet, they will let a complete stranger get off a plane and become a refugee -- then release this undocumented alien among us. The Liberals don't like to talk about that cost to the taxpayer -- because it is horrendous.

Now, let's examine the Liberal record on Quebec. They have pandered to that province's every whim. They have pampered it with "special" considerations and billion dollar development schemes. Why were we not remotely surprised when the sponsorship was almost completely a Quebec affair? CBC, by the way, could create a series that would run for years without a repeat. It would be called "Quebec Scandals -- past, present and future".

Anyway, Carol MacNeil, not even up to the gold standard of nastiness in the CBC, is a sign of how CBC will treat the Conservative Party. The top guns of the Mother Corps will concoct dozens of ways to denigrate the Conservatives.

There will be stacked panels that Harper will be invited to attend. The National news will prepare numerous "poison sandwiches" -- that is, where any good news about the Conservatives is preceded by negative news about them, and then book-ended with more negativity about them. The good news gets smothered. Or, if the CBC can't get the sandwich for that night, either don't report the Conservative's good news at all, or feature it after the weather.

Also watch for Mansbridge's frowns, or looks of puzzlement, when he has to report that good news. He is also the master of the throw-away kill line; i,e, "Well, that's the word coming out of Conservative headquarters anyway". In short, he is leaving the news to be interpreted as mere propaganda. With good news for the Liberals, Mansbridge resorts to his bullhorn voice and a beaming face.

© Bud -- Maybe I shouldn't have slagged Carol MacNeil so hard. She is simply trying to reach the top rungs of CBC interviewers. At least she didn't hiss at Stephen, as July Van Dusen did after Harper won the CA leadership race.

Oh, Bud, go ahead. She is so obvious that she is bound to fail anyway as a CBC anchor or interviewer for the Liberals. They are all so obvious that they deserve to be told what Canadian taxpayers see and are fed up with. I suspect they would be incredulous; they are so indoctrinated with the Liberal ideology. NJC

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