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March 06, 2004


Mayor of Toronto -- Miller's just fine, but the city isn't Royson James, Mar. 6, 2004

[. . . .] Miller's plans are preventative (he wants to provide jobs, recreational activities, social assistance), they cost money the city doesn't have, they give long-term payoffs as opposed to an immediate cessation of gunplay and they need to be buttressed by police enforcement measures that cost money and federal legislative actions that are outside his jurisdiction.

Excerpts from Letters Mar. 5, 04

Suggestion: Stop the Plea Bargaining, the Studies, Get the Guns, Long Jail Time for Perps!

1. I do not want another study on why these people do this or why people are in gangs. I want something done about this now! I want my children to be able to grow up in an environment where they are not afraid to walk and play in the local park.

I want the guns taken away from these killers.

[. . . .] These killers, and others who possess guns for crime, must be put in jail for a long, long time. We must stop thinking of them as the victims of society. They must be held accountable for their own actions.

The people who were shot, and their families, are the victims - not those who pulled the trigger.

2. I think if our illustrious mayor took the time to speak with some of these delinquents, he would learn they all have a fundamental lack of regard for human life. It has absolutely nothing to do with not having a recreation centre in which to play basketball. MJ

Absolutely correct! It has more to do with drugs and gang activity, gun running especially across the border, and lax immigration controls on totally unworthy and dangerous people -- brought to you by government. NJC

Federal and Ontario Provincial Liberal Responses to Scandals:

One quote I found interesting, if not perplexing, is that of Sen. Jerry Grafstein whose recommendation was, "Change the subject. I don't think we should be talking about this any more." Wow, when confronted with the various options as to what to do about the ripoff of millions of dollars by a handful of people within our government, this senator's advice is to "Change the subject." [. . . . ] Since senators are appointed, he doesn't have to answer to his employers - the taxpayers of Canada. DB

Unfortunately, the practice of years of honourable men resigning went by the wayside with Pierre Trudeau and the federal cabinet blustering their way through scandals and has never regained currency. It is time our premier and finance minister reverted to an honourable practice which would gain them much political capital. DJM

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