News Junkie Canada

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January 07, 2005

Frost Hits the Rhubarb: New Posts

Updates to this list added:

Terrorists, 'Big Surprise' for US, Theft-Vancouver Airport, Security, Borders, Immigration Enforcement, Drugs, A Failed European Policy

* Iraqi insurgents threaten attack inside United States -- 'Big surprise' planned: 'We will give Americans a taste of what civilians in our country go through'
* Airlines note theft by baggage handlers at Vancouver airport -- after Canada's Auditor-General's report -- nothing on the security front. The talk of $7.7 billion? It's more smoke and mirrors.
* How to be an illegal -- Mexico government publishes guide to assist border crossers
* Get serious about immigration enforcement (Canada should do this, as well.)
* Drug prohibition is a terrorist's best friend
* Radical Islam in The Netherlands: A Case Study of a Failed European Policy

Flag Flap-Jolly Roger for PM & For Nfld? Why Fish Gone, Taking Liberties

* Taking liberties -- "Mr Monderman’s thesis feels right to me — that by creating the illusion of security you relieve the citizen of the need to make his own judgments."
* Risky tiff -- Newfoundland's rage makes centrists quake
* Jolly Roger better flag for Canada Steamship Lines
* Where Have the Fish Gone? -- A Fresh Look at the Ocean

The Trudeau Legacy: Bilingualism, Natives-Status, Bud: Looming Aboriginal Disaster

* Nurses at Montreal English hospital fail French test, lose licences
* Canada still pays for Trudeau blunders -- Even questioning the bilingualism program--promotion of French--is akin to treason
* Ottawa, First Nations seek to redefine Indian status -- Current law will result in 'legislated extinction,' warns Phil Fontaine
* Shat on a turtle -- and -- Indian Time
* Bud Talkinghorn: The looming Aboriginal Disaster

Defend What is Best for Children; Defend Marriage

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