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January 22, 2005

Terrorism-Copts-US-Jihad-Al-Jazeera-Hanson-"Bush's Lessons for Losers"

List of Articles:

* Inside Info on New Jersey Killings -- "Many Copts are regarding the murders as a warning to the Coptic community"
* Reminder: "Jihad TV Comes to Canada" -- Al-Jazeera " it has been approved by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission for broadcast in Canada."
* Hanson: Idealism and Its Discontents -- Thinking on the neoconservative slur
* Bush's lessons for losers

Inside Info on New Jersey Killings -- "Many Copts are regarding the murders as a warning to the Coptic community"

Inside Info on New Jersey Killings or link to the original article Jan. 20, 05

Jihad Watch received some inside information from a close friend of Hossam Armanious, the Coptic Christian brutally murdered in New Jersey along with his family:

The Armanious family had inspired several Muslims to convert to Christianity — or thought they had. These converts were actually practicing taqiyya, or religious deception, pretending to be friends of these Christians in order to strengthen themselves against them, as in Qur’an 3:28: “Let believers not make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful — he that does this has nothing to hope for from Allah — except in self-defense.”

Of course, the family, not suspecting the deception, was happy to see the “converted” men and willingly let them in to their home. . . .

. . . . If this is true, the killings in New Jersey are the American equivalent of the Theo Van Gogh murder in the Netherlands, a political killing motivated solely by the need to silence effective critics of radical Islam.

Reminder: "Jihad TV Comes to Canada" -- Al-Jazeera " it has been approved by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission for broadcast in Canada."

. . . Canada may be getting more than it bargained for. According to a recent report by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, “Terrorism of foreign origin continues to be a major concern in regard to the safety of Canadians at home and abroad. … Canada is viewed by some terrorist groups as a place to try to seek refuge, raise funds, procure materials and/or conduct other support activities....

Virtually all of the most notorious international terrorist organizations are known to maintain a network presence in Canada.” From the looks of its track record, Al-Jazeera will provide these Canadian-based terrorists with a source of news, encouragement, and instruction.

Jihad TV Comes to Canada Robert Spencer,, July 20, 04

It’s official: just as Al-Jazeera has declared its intention to “present a clear, factual and accurate picture” in its news coverage, it has been approved by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission for broadcast in Canada. Putting this approval in perspective is the fact that another “fair and balanced” news outlet, Fox News, is still waiting for approval from the same body. Another example of Canada’s wobbliness in the war on terror? You be the judge. Some of Canada’s newest news outlet’s most notorious deeds include:
• Repeatedly airing the most vile anti-Americanism, including . . . [1]

• Trampling upon the Geneva convention . . . [2]

• Featuring the radical Muslim cleric Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, who made headlines by defending suicide bombing during a recent trip to London (earning him an invitation to return from London Mayor “Red Ken” Livingstone), on an Islamic issues program entitled “Sharia and Life.”[3]

• Airing, on several notorious occasions, video and audio communiqués by Osama bin Laden and other leading jihadists, thereby allowing them to spread jihad ideology and hatred of America all over the Arabic-speaking world — and never divulging how it obtained the tapes.[4]

• Highlighting messages from the likes of Osama bin Laden’s spokesman, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, and other high-profile terrorists.[5]

• Filming footage of a Baghdad suicide attack that indicated that someone in the network knew in advance when and where the bombing was going to take place.[6]

• Lying about . . . propaganda disguised as reporting . . . [7]

Also, last September of one of its star journalists, Taysir Allouni (who was able to get close enough to Osama to interview him in 2001, and was also the only foreign correspondent allowed into Afghanistan by the Taliban regime), was imprisoned in Spain for involvement with Al-Qaeda, and in particular with the group responsible for the 9/11 attacks.[8]

[. . . . ] The network has not repudiated its manifest support for the global jihad. [. . . . ]

But the incidents recounted above and others like them suggest that [. . . . See paragraph at top.]

Read the details; note that everything is documented. You may check for yourself.

Hanson: Idealism and Its Discontents -- Thinking on the neoconservative slur

Idealism and Its Discontents -- Thinking on the neoconservative slur. January 21, 2005

Neo- is a prefix that derives from the Greek adjective veos — "new" or "fresh" — and in theory it is used inexactly for those conservatives who once were not — or for those who have reinterpreted conservatism in terms of a more idealistic foreign policy that eschewed both Cold War realpolitik and the hallowed traditions of American republican isolationism.

But the accepted definition has given way in practice to refer to the more particular proponents of the use of military action to remove threatening governments, and to replace them with democratic systems — hence the occasional sobriquets of "neo-Wilsonian." But for a number of detractors, "neoconservative" is also little more than generic disparagement, and (off-the-record) it is synonymous with American Jews who seek to alter American foreign policy to the wishes of the right-wing Likud party of Israel.

Yet note the misinformation about its meaning and usage. The five most prominent makers of American foreign policy at the moment — George Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, and Donald Rumsfeld — are (1) not Jewish, (2) hard-headed and not easily bamboozled by any supposed cabal, and (3) were mostly in the past identified with the "realist" school and especially skeptical of using the military frequently for anything resembling Clintonian peace-keeping. [. . . . ]

Bush's lessons for losers

Bush's lessons for losers Jan. 21, 05

[. . . . ] Ever since their Nov. 2 election defeat, too many Democrats have been licking their wounds and attributing their failures to the stupidity of Bush's voters.

This makes Republicans happy -- because if the Democrats keep on blaming the voters, instead of figuring out why they have fallen so far out of touch with the concerns of ordinary Americans, the better the chances that they will lose the next election as well.

Today, Canadian Conservatives face the same hard questions as American Democrats. Specifically, how could they have lost last year's federal election to a fat, arrogant, complacent and scandal-plagued Liberal government, weighed down by 11 years of baggage, led by a rookie prime minister who failed to rise to expectations? [. . . . ]

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