(David Hawkins, Foundation Scholar-Cambridge University, and founder of the Citizen's Association of Forensic Economists at Hawks’ CAFE, and CFP investigative journalist Judi McLeod, have teamed up to write a series of articles on the UN’s radical socialist agenda executed across Intranets and virtual private networks, operated by the self-styled "Global Custodians". A new feature of Canada Free Press, the ongoing series combines McLeod’s investigative experience and communication skills with Hawkins’ brilliant research linking $40 trillion hedge funds, via an online portal on the 79th floor of One World Trade Center, to "disruptive technologies" developed by Canada for alleged use in the UN Oil-for-Food scam, 9/11 and Kyoto fraud.) This is the second in the series.
Pause and read that again.
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin may have been telling us more than he thought when he said Thursday: "Ballistic missile defence is not where we will concentrate our efforts."
Where Canada is concentrating its efforts should be worthy of both Washington and mainline media attention.
Weapons of electronic intelligence and electronic warfare are where the nation of Canada holds the cutting edge. [. . . . ]
All the following are mentioned. Search:
subsidiaries and sub-contractors, Canadian Steamship Lines, Instrument Approach Procedures (IAP), flying by instruments, MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Limited (MDA), U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Ottawa-based Air Navigation Data (AND), flight simulators, Lansdowne Technologies Incorporated (LTI), Department of Defence, Red-Team Analysis, alleged, collapse of NORAD command, convert hijacked jets into, didn’t happen to share, Arab-speaking terrorist group members, Bombardier, Parisien Research Corporation of Ottawa, Electronic Warfare (EF), and Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Defence Simulation and Training Technology Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN), counter-counter terror
The above has also been posted on Frost Hits the Rhubarb.