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February 21, 2005

Rape as Pillage, Theo Van Gogh Murder a Terrorist Attack, The 'Honour' of Women, Socialist Welfare Policies and Immigration

"The honor of our women has become cheap," said one man who fled his home 14 months ago. "Where is America, where are those who say they care?" -- Note: he did not ask where is the UN? Canada? France? Germany? Does that not say something important?

Raped Darfur Women Wrestle With Fate of Babies Nima Elbagir, February 19, 2005, via Jack's Newswatch

KALMA, Sudan (Reuters) - [. . . . ] "The rapes never stop, sometimes there are more, sometimes less," she said, accusing militiamen known as Janjaweed of the crime. "Now the Janjaweed babies are being born and the girls are throwing them down latrines," she said.

"Better the babies are lost this way than we carry the burden," she said, falling silent as she stared into her coffee cup.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan urged the Security Council on Wednesday to take immediate steps to stop the Darfur war, which has killed at least 70,000 people since March. [. . . . ]

Have any UN troops been sent in to actually stop the war?

I see some civilizations have not moved beyond rape as pillage and the women have not moved beyond infanticide. Do the leftist media outlets dwell on this as they did on Abu Ghraib? -- where no-one was raped, as far as I know, though the glass b**** guys were severely humiliated, preparatory to trying to extract information. I know, there is a fine line.

Winds of Change: The Murder of Theo Van Gogh, Part 2 Dan Darling, February 20, 2005

Back in November, I wrote on the murder of Theo Van Gogh and concluded that it was far more than the actions of a small group of misguided fanatics but was instead an act carried out by al-Qaeda as part of a far more sinister plot aimed at destabilizing the Netherlands. Now, courtesy of the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, which are kind enough to publish their findings in English in marked contrast to some other countries I could name, we get a professional evaluation of the killing.[. . . . The report includes the following:]

Modus Operandi
Profile of the Assassin and His Network
Profile of Mohammed Bouyeri
The Hofstad Network and International Contacts
Motivational Factors
Concluding Remarks [See what follows.]

Report on slaying of Dutch filmaker

The analysis above indicates that the slaying of Theo Van Gogh should be considered a terrorist attack, not by a lone fanatic, but by a member of an al-Qaida inspired Sunni Islamist ad-hoc terrorist network. For example, the modus operandi of the attack was typical of al-Qaida and its associated groups waging global jihad against the US and its allies around the world. The radical Islamist milieu the killer belonged to, the Hofstad Network, was involved in the same type of activities and "organized" itself in the same way as other al-Qaida associated or inspired terrorist networks that have been detected in Western Europe recent years. In addition, the social profiles of Bouyeri, and other members of the Hofstad Network, resemble those of incarcerated militant Islamists who have been planning attacks in European countries.

Contextual analysis of the operation in Amsterdam indicates potential motivations related to multiple contexts that could be considered relevant for Muslim immigrants to Holland, such as Dutch immigration policy and counter-terrorism efforts, the "global war on terrorism" and the invasion of Iraq, as well as increased conflict-levels in areas of political grievance and symbolic value to Islamists and Muslims in general, such as in Palestine, Chechnya and Kashmir. In addition the Van Gogh case suggests that statements by high-profile persons that are exposed in the media might be interpreted as insults against Islam", and thus serve as partial motivation for terrorism, or at least affect the target selection of the Islamist militants, who have chosen terrorism as a strategy in the battle against the US and its allies. The murder of the filmmaker also showed the effectiveness of an assassination of a public figure in spreading fear and escalating the levels of conflict between the Dutch and immigrants to Holland, adding to a growing xenophobia, which in turn might lead to increased problems of integration, and make alienated young Muslim immigrants receptive of al-Qaida’s vision of global jihad.

From a counter terrorism perspective, the concept of complex motivations, or multiple social, political and religious motivations (related to different contexts), implies that the police and intelligence services working to prevent terrorist attacks should pay careful attention to political developments beyond the geographical area they police, and be aware that Islamist terrorism might occur as a response by developments in other countries, or faraway areas of the world. There is an urgent need for systematically mapping motivational factors and "triggers", as well as mapping the various types of targets that might be attacked, the timing and the operational patterns of the terrorist cells, in order to develop effective early warning systems. In this respect one has to find out more about who the terrorists are, and the social contexts that "produce" potential terrorists. In addition it seems important, in the prosecution of terrorist suspects, to strike a balance between being firm, on the one hand, and being prudent and just on the other. This in order not to stir unnecessary anger among broader segments of the Diaspora communities and create new incentives for joining militant groups.83

On the political level, as much as possible should be done to reduce social and political grievances locally and internationally, that might motivate Islamist terrorists, and might be interpreted in terms of al-Qaida’s ideology that Islam is under a worldwide attack by the US and its allies.

83 Martin Wainwright, "Police Chief attacks terror labelling of Muslims," The Guardian 07 February 2005

82 Don Van Natta Jr. and Desmond Butler, "Calls to Jihad Are Said to Lure Hundreds of Militants Into Iraq" The New York Times 01 November 2003; Mark Huband, "Muslim radicals "head to Europe with Iraq skills"" Financial Times 17 November 2004.

[. . . . The footnotes were moved to the end -- Ed. ]

Note that you may download and read this whole .pdf file with an Adobe Reader.

I can agree with some, but not all, of this for I fear that, just from a woman's perspective, any criticism of Islam and particularly negative commentary on the treatment of women under Sharia law would be considered by Muslim men as an attack on Islam.

From what I have seen of Islam, for a woman, there are no positives. Islam is a religion Canadians would be wise to re-think importing. Individuals we know, perhaps female, tend to be exceptions whom we would allow in, but note that it is the women in most cultures who support and pass on the cultural practices which the book "Burned Alive" amply demonstrates. (Book: "Burned Alive"-An Honour Crime, CNN: "Reliable Sources", Correction: Talk Radio & Reading Material ) The overall thrust of the actions coming out of Islamic belief and cultures is negative for women, yet perpetuated by women, as well as by men.

In the context of having recommended "Burned Alive" on honour killings Feb. 20, would almost anything I write about women's place in Islam not be seen as inflaming passions against a religion and a practice that varies by class and location? I received this question from a friend -- and thanks JK.

I read the article on Muslim wife beating. I am somewhat baffled: would a university professor in Cairo beat his wife? Or the Iranian Muslims I know here? To what point up from the bottom in the Muslim social strata is it OK, and from there on not OK. Well, as long as their attitude toward women doesn't change, not much else will change.

I can reach my own conclusions only based upon my own experience with no first hand knowledge of life in the home, admittedly; nevertheless, a few experiences have taught me, as a woman, to be very wary of this religion. Some I have related on this site previously.

I have known a delightful--and lusting, her parents feared--young woman educated in Canada, shipped 'home' to be married off to a Muslim in Bangladesh. They returned; soon she was beaten. Fortunately, she was able to divorce him. Because she was educated here and holds a Canadian passport, he cannot keep it from her nor force her to go to Bangladesh to be 'straightened out'. Of course, he is here in Canada, brought in by our immigration system as her husband. His violence did not get him turfed. Other Muslim women I have known are torn between wanting to be free as are other young women they see and the pervasive cultural, family and religious pressures and control. They are taught that Western women are loose, shameless hussies undeserving of respect because of how we dress and act. In some cases, they have a point.

However, there is no compromise in Islam. That is what is scary. There is no accommodation nor acculturation. There is no gray area. The West has managed and evolved by resolving what are the gray areas of personal and public belief through goodwill and compromise. Islam does not compromise, except as a strategy, until it overwhelms, and that, from much of what I read, is the intention.

I think that Canadians should know what they are importing when large numbers of immigrants enter, particularly when members of alien cultures and alien religions are encouraged to come to Canada, under whatever pretext. Also, too many aliens are allowed entry after the destruction of passports and identity documents and the mouthing of the magic word 'refugee'. Allow the borders to be as porous as they apparently now are and Canadians really do not know the extent of the changes to come and the problems that may ensue -- problems that have already come to Europe. See below.

Frustrations of an infidel -- "on wife-beating in accordance with Shar’ia law." Judi McLeod,, February 19, 2005

The Washington-based Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is, in a word, professional. MEMRI links to Canada Free Press and it’s a source of pride that they sometimes pick up and post some of our stories.

That’s how I rate MEMRI on a professional basis. But it is in my personal life that the Institute, albeit unknowingly, shed light and understanding on something that has been plaguing me.

About a year ago, I discovered that someone close to me was being beaten by her husband. "Someone close to me" is the only way I can identify this young Muslim bride, because of my fear of bringing more trouble on her head. [. . . . ]

. . . make a RealPlayer visit to:

The following is what I read in Memri’s Special Report No. 27: [. . . . ]

Link to Canada Free Press and read the whole thing. Look at the educational video. Ah, the wonders of modern technology.

Immigration and the welfare state -- Malmö, Sweden --"its generous welfare state and its status as what Social Democrats used to proudly call a 'moral superpower" -- the canary in the coal mine

A Swedish Dilemma -- Immigration and the welfare state: Volume 010, Issue 22 February 28, 2005 issue, Christopher Caldwell. Christopher Caldwell is a senior editor at The Weekly Standard.

"EVERYONE is welcome here," says Bejzat Becirov to a non-Muslim visitor. Becirov runs the Islamic Center of Malmö, on the outskirts of Sweden's third-largest city. When Becirov immigrated from his native Macedonia in 1962, Swedes used to say that kind of thing, too. But in the last two decades, Malmö has acquired a population that is almost 40 percent foreign. Most of the students in its public schools are of foreign parentage. Some immigrant neighborhoods in the city have (official) unemployment rates exceeding 50 percent. Malmö's mayor, Ilmar Reepalu, has pleaded for immigrants to be settled in other parts of Sweden. This has made Reepalu popular in Malmö, but not in those other parts of Sweden. Others uneasy about immigration are too impatient to work through official channels. Much of the Islamic Center was destroyed by a fire of suspicious origin in 2003.

[. . . . ] Modern Sweden has built its sense of identity on two pillars: its generous welfare state and its status as what Social Democrats used to proudly call a "moral superpower." (Non-Social Democrats still use the term, mockingly.) Indications are that the latter achievement is in the process of destroying the former.

This article ranges over the past--up to European Union membership--that led to this state and describes the current situation where "Crime is high. Drug use--curiously--is low.", , "the municipal government, with 20,000 employees, is the largest employer.", and there are proliferating "civilizational outrages".

Killing is okay, though, to save the family 'honour'; frankly, I'd rather they each smoked a joint or drowned their humiliation in a glass of good scotch -- if it would change this. On the scale of crimes, the pot cure would be the lesser crime, in my humble opinion.

The latter [outrages] include the dispiritingly steady stream of "honor-killings" that occur among the country's immigrants, most of them committed by Kurds. These have generally involved girls executed by their brothers or fathers for wearing short skirts or dating Swedish men. . . . safe houses . . . are now mostly inhabited by Muslim women fearing honor killings or domestic violence.

Only some of us have to learn the mantras on "diversity", "multiculturalism" and "tolerance", apparently.

[. . . . ] Denmark now restricts asylum admissions, welfare payments, and citizenship and residency permits for reasons of family unification. Danes under 25 who marry foreigners no longer have the right to bring their spouses into the country. Many such half-Danish couples now live in Malmö.

Denmark's crackdown has left Swedes wondering what is to stop everyone in the E.U. from coming to the most generous welfare state, even if such worries are couched in human-rights language.

[. . . . ] "The segregated part of the country is the Swedish part."

[. . . . ] high levels of unemployment in immigrant areas

[. . . . ] "No one is going to live here without working,"

[. . . . ] "He and I both see how diversity is affecting the welfare state,"

The economic historian Rojas begs to differ. "High levels of taxation require that the people taxed be a community," he says. "And this has for a long time been a tribal society. . . . A good tribe! Very peaceful and nice! But a tribe."

Canadians had been a tribe, a very good tribe, until the never satisfied needs of one group, one province and one group of power brokers within that tribe desirous of increasing their overall clout met an idea that would achieve this. This could be achieved if the majority tribal sub-group were fragmented; laws and immigration have served this purpose. There has been taxpayer money funnelled to having immigrants keep their own cultures, not to join the mainstream. The majority have had little say; by the time they realized the implications of what was being done, it was already too late. The whole system has been buttressed by the legal framework and appointed justices who could give the rationale. Listen to the ringing of the words "Charter", "diversity", "multiculturalism" and "rights", along with appeals to the moral superiority of the vision emanating from the UN.

Europe is our canary in the coal mine. What Europe is finding is that socialistic policies--welfare and the culture that insists it is a 'right'--combined with open immigration exacerbates the migration problem. So immigrants sit in enclaves of joblessness. There is little incentive for them to leave their own culture behind in order to join the mainstream culture when they have come without the skills needed and still, they are given some basic subsistence wage through welfare. These are breeding places for unrest and a sense of 'humiliation' -- and then . . . Canadians have had enough 'humiliation' from some groups--and their concomitant demands--to last a lifetime.

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