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February 21, 2005

Shotgun: "Toronto Star Does Not Declare Bias" -- Reliable Sources-Kurtz-PowerLine on Bloggers

Toronto Star Does Not Declare the Activism and Bias of Those Interviewed on Gay 'Marriage' -- The Shotgun

All the news that fits the agenda Part II -- Ed's emphasis in all excerpts.

[. . . . ] Rempelia Prime links to an article in the Toronto Star regarding MP Stephen Harper's opening speech in the Same-Sex Marriage debate in the House of Commons and his "playing politics with the past". To counter MP Harper, Tonda MacCharles interviews several human rights experts.

What is not mentioned is that they are activist members of the left

[. . . . ] are not disinterested observers in this debate and in fact they have every reason to counter MP Harper's arguments. This activism and bias is never declared in the Toronto Star article.

This "hidden agenda" is a dishonest way of presenting an argument. [. . . . ]

Link for more and look at other entries. I love this site.

Media -- the Blogosphere -- CNN "JUDY WOODRUFF'S INSIDE POLITICS"


This is lengthy; you might want to search:, CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, "getting help from this group called the Media Bloggers Association",, Ronald Coleman, Bob Cox of The National Debate, blog aggregators

[. . . . ] KURTZ: Paul Mirengoff of the PowerLineBlog, which helped exposed CBS's apparently bogus military records involving President Bush, is an attorney like his partners on the blog. And that affects their online style.

PAUL MIRENGOFF, POWELINEBLOG.COM: Because as a lawyer you have to know, you know, who's credible, what sounds fishy.

[. . . . ] KURTZ (on camera): There are no rules on the bloggers' highway, no ethics code, no editors, no lawyers, no fact checkers. So should we believe everything on their highly opinionated sites?

JARVIS: I found that blogs are a tremendous self-correcting mechanism. If I make a mistake, bloggers will pounce on me like white blood cells on a germ.

[. . . . ] KURTZ (voice-over): When bloggers pummel people in the media, whether it's Dan Rather, or, for that matter, discredited White House reporter Jeff Gannon, critics say they resemble an angry lynch mob.

MIRENGOFF: We don't have the power to lynch anybody. We put out our views and people take them for what they're worth.

[. . . . ] KURTZ: People have to be smart and figure out who they find to be credible, because bloggers don't have any editors or fact checker, and so they can be wrong, they can be reckless, they can be irresponsible. They can also be provocative and funny and cover things that the mainstream media miss.

And I disagree with Stu about it's just opinion. Some of these bloggers are pretty good diggers.

The people such as PowerLine, that helped uncover the apparently bogus CBS documents in that Dan Rather story on President Bush, they weren't just giving their opinions. They were proving that these documents had problems. And there are lot of other examples like that. [. . . . ]

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