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May 08, 2005
Until Later
It has been suggested that my site would be easier to read if the background were white and if I made a few other changes. I have not had time to look into changing this site, adding a searchlet, et cetera. It looks as though I have commitments for a while longer. Until I figure a way to get everything I want in a website template, please see Frost Hits the Rhubarb.
News Junkie Canada
# posted by News Junkie Canada at 6:35 AM
April 03, 2005
Canada: We could be looking at a quick election? -- Buzz, Links, Publication Ban -- Speculation, Civil Disobedience, PM & Global Governance - & More
New Gomery testimony spurs talk of election News Staff
The possible collapse of the Liberal minority government is once again a hot topic on Parliament Hill, fuelled by reports of explosive new testimony at the sponsorship inquiry.
Although exact details of the testimony cannot be revealed due to a publication ban, there are reports its disclosure would prove so devastating that Paul Martin's Liberal minority could fall if it became public. [. . . . ]
His testimony is covered by a publication ban intended to protect his right to a fair trial on criminal-fraud charges related to the now-defunct sponsorship program. That means his inquiry testimony could be made public once his trial is over. Lawyers for the former Groupaction chief petitioned a Montreal court Friday, to have his May trial date pushed back to September. [. . . . ]
Captain's Quarters: Canada's Corruption Scandal Breaks Wide Open April 02, 2005
Gomery goes nuclear MP Monte Solberg
My Blackberry was buzzing last night as reporters were looking for Conservative reaction to what's been happening at Gomery. Problem is, it's all under a publication ban, which is too bad cuz it sounds like Judge Gomery has rolled over a really big rock and a lot of creepy crawlies came scurrying out from underneath. [. . . . ]
Canadian Election On Horizon? April 1, 05
Bloggers are beginning to dig, but it's uncertain what they can publish in Canada, should they uncover the details. (Perhaps its time to brush up on our "poetry" skills.)
I don't believe the bans extend to foreign sites, though...
Other sites blogging this story: [. . . . ]
Evilgenius: search "branded as an unreliable witness"
Toronto Star: Sponsorship Scandal Inquiry -- information links
Official accounts of some of last year's Public Accounts committee's hearings are in Hansard.
here -- check for links, some labelled edited--there are many more links you may follow -- excerpts here and here sections (1600) to (1700)
Search: "In September 2001, Jean Pelletier", Jason Kenney, Can you explain to us the context. VIA Rail Canada
Liberal chief of staff to media company: "...they'll break your jaw." Joel Johannesen, from a year ago.
Global Governance and Paul Martin
Peter C. Newman: "A blueprint for world government " -- Paul Martin's vision for the globe National Post, Apr. 2, 05
[. . . . ] Now, as his government's definitive (and much postponed) foreign policy review is set to appear, I went back to my notes of those conversations. These were the idealistic ramblings of an ambitious politician who'd plugged himself into the seismic upheavals shaping the global economy. "We must develop a much stronger conscience in terms of our responsibility to others," he told me. "It's nonsensical, for example, that there is no international environmental organization of stature or a body than can deal with a tragic epidemic like AIDS."
What Martin had in mind was nothing less than spearheading the move toward a limited form of world government. His ambitions recognized few limits. He once confided to me that he wanted to duplicate internationally, especially in the underdeveloped world, what we do domestically, including a global system of equalization payments, free education up to the high school level, the formation of global instead of national health care and a universal banking system. [. . . . ]
The foreign policy review is termed "global policy" review below.
Turf War? -- Department of International Trade. Along with Foreign Affairs, the Defence Department and the Canadian International Development Agency
PMO lets global policy author go -- Controversial choice Mike Blanchfield, Apr. 2, 05, CanWest
OTTAWA - Jennifer Welsh, the Saskatchewan-born author and Oxford scholar recruited by Prime Minister Paul Martin to salvage Canada's much-delayed international policy review, has parted company with the Prime Minister's Office.
[. . . . ] Ms. Welsh was brought in to consult on the strength of her book, At Home In The World. [. . . . ]
Search: Gen. Hillier, International Co-operation Minister Aileen Carroll, Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew
A bureaucrat in every pot via Jack's Newswatch
[. . . . ] Did you know that the cost of our bureaucracy has gone up 77% since 1996/97? [. . . . ]
Gomery testimony spurs election buzz Scott Stinson and Paul Vieira, with files from Ian Bailey
Federal political party leaders are said to be holding emergency consultations this weekend after allegedly shocking new testimony at the sponsorship inquiry raised the spectre of a non-confidence vote that could hasten the fall of the Liberal minority government.
[. . . .] The new testimony . . . so damning that . . .
[. . . .] An opposition MP, speaking on condition of anonymity, said, "I've heard some of the Gomery stuff and if it gets out ... it won't go well for [the Liberals]."
[. . . . ] "Our election readiness went up 20% today," an unidentified Liberal MP told The Canadian Press.
What happened with the $8 billion?
Audit finds major gaps in security April 3, 2005, Dean Beeby, CP
The department posted a March 21 summary of the audit on its website that purged the most critical elements. The version released under the Access to Information Act retains some of the harsher findings, though many examples of security lapses have been censored. [. . . .]
Search: The censored document, a raft of problems, including
WHY DO the federal Liberals so often behave as though they no longer must accept responsibility or accountability? A case can be made that they think they can get away with anything because they witnessed Paul Martin -- as finance minister -- get away with not only being in a conflict of interest, but using his position to his and his family's benefit through his ownership and control of Canada Steamship Lines (CSL).
Consider: Martin is the master of the Barbados tax haven, but his conflict position has never been seriously investigated. [. . . .]
Liberals silence the Adscam committee April 12, 2004 -- if still available online, which I doubt.
Global TV Today
CTV: Global Sunday -- Free Speech vs. Gay Rights
Are some minority rights more equal than others? Outspoken Calgary Bishop Fred Henry claims he's the victim and refuses to retract his comments opposing same-sex marriage in the face of two complaints filed with Alberta's human rights commission. Despite Ottawa's assurances, is this the beginning of end for religious freedom of speech?
Here's the new schedule: Manitoba, BC - 5:00 p.m. All other Provinces - 5:30 p.m. Prime - 7:30 Eastern / 7:30 Pacific p.m.
Language -- Supreme Court -- Bill 101
The Supreme Court did its job Andrew Coyne, Apr. 2, 05, National Post
This isn't just a matter of language, after all. Parents in the public system face all sorts of constraints on what schools their children can attend and what they are taught there, and it would be hugely preferable if all of these were lifted -- if indeed there were no such things as public and private systems, but public funds simply followed the student to the school of their choice.
Do that, and the other unfairness in the current arrangement -- that francophones who can afford a private education can send their children to English schools, while the rest cannot -- would cease to be a concern. But that would be merely a happy side-effect.[. . . . ]
The language police strike again -- The View From Montreal -- tavern? taverne? -- Does it matter?
Apr. 2, 05
[. . . . ] Unfortunately, one of the signs -- the one on Monkland Ave. -- is a letter short of linguistic orthodoxy, reading "Tavern" instead of "Taverne." That missing "e" prompted someone to complain to the Office, which in turn ordered the Monkland's owners to get rid of that offending English word. [. . . . ]
SCOC eases limits on English schooling in Quebec News Staff
The following does not mean they are not competent, simply that they do not have a certificate -- which may or may not mean what was it was intended for.
The human factor--common sense plus an innate spark which prompts someone who knows something and hence, has something to teach--will get it across. The enthusiasm for learning will prompt that teacher to find a way to make it understandable to students . . . . . that is what counts.
Teachers will work without certification -- Starting in fall: Government scrapped Tory test but didn't replace it Heather Sokoloff, Apr. 2, 05, National Post
The government will allow thousands of new teachers to start jobs in September in Ontario schools without being fully licensed.
Students graduating from the province's education faculties were informed they will be granted a new provisional teaching certificate instead of full certification in a letter from Gerard Kennedy, the education minister, released last week, on the eve of the Easter long weekend. [. . . . ]
Arrest made in Hamilton lawyer murder -- Crime family member joins two already in custody Adrian Humphreys, Apr. 2, 05, National Post
HAMILTON - Police have arrested a member of a local crime family, charging him with first-degree murder in the slayings of a lawyer and her husband. Andre Gravelle, 41, was arrested on Thursday in Hamilton in the high-profile case of Lynn Gilbank, a well-liked lawyer, and her husband, Fred, who were shot inside their suburban home in the early hours of Nov. 16, 1998. [. . . . ]
Search: drug smuggling operations
Civil Disobedience or Anarchy -- in the name of the Haida
Haida seize Weyerhaeuser timber March 30, 2005
Prince Rupert, B.C. — Haida Indians say they have seized a large quantity of cut timber from Weyerhaeuser for alleged breach of contract.
“We hope we can use this money to get hospitals here ... and all our schools are in debt because they've been funded like everywhere else in the province,” said Guujaaw, president of the Council of the Haida Nation. [. . . .]
Civil Disobedience or Anarchy -- in the name of the poor
Quebec students take extreme measures -- Strike against cuts: Classes disrupted as professors chased away Apr. 2, 05, Graeme Hamilton, National Post
MONTREAL - They have not cracked a book in weeks, but striking Quebec students are learning a valuable lesson about the power of a mob.
In Montreal this week, a group of students stormed into a downtown supermarket and helped themselves to food and drinks in a show of solidarity with the poor. At the Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, where a four-day strike was declared this week on the strength of a 56% vote, roving "commandos" of strikers are interrupting classes and forcing out students who want to continue learning.
[. . . . ] Flavie Achard, a CEGEP instructor and representative of the Confederation of National Trade Unions, found no fault in the students'' tactics. [. . . . ]
ER delays common and deadly, doctor says
Ontarians are ''on a fairly regular basis dying when they don't need to die'' because of long waits
Too Sad
Drug link to Ford shooting -- History of gun violence: Husband gunned down child's father seven years ago Michael Friscolanti and Nicholas Kohler, Apr. 2, 05
Father to file for divorce in bid to win daughters -- Custody battle Siri Agrell, Apr. 2, 05
[. . . . ] Last month, Justice Lucy Glenn ruled that Mr. England had violated the Hague Convention on international child abduction by leaving their home in the U.K. and deciding to keep his daughters in Canada. After the decision, the special needs teacher said he would not be able to afford to return abroad and fight a custody battle.
Mr. England brought his daughters back to Canada in September, 2004, just a week after his wife, Marla, had informed him their marriage of 15 years was over and that she had entered a relationship with another woman.
But although the girls are Canadian citizens and were enrolled in school in Chatham when the legal battle began, Justice Glenn ordered that their custody be settled in the U.K, where the family unit broke down. [. . . . ]
# posted by News Junkie Canada at 12:23 PM
March 06, 2005
Frost Hits the Rhubarb Posts -- Petition & More
New Posts on Frost Hits the Rhubarb Including Links to Take Action re RCMP Deaths & More, Much More
Frost Hits the Rhubarb, week beginning Feb. 27 to Mar. 5, 05
Frost Hits the Rhubarb, week beginning Mar. 6, 05
# posted by News Junkie Canada at 2:00 PM
March 04, 2005
Four RCMP Officers Dead -- "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
Besides the links to a petition and a book of condolences below--posted on both sites--there is another post today:
Frost Hits the Rhubarb, March 4, 2005
* RCMP: 4 Officers Slain -- Grow-ops, Major Organized Crime, Massive Amounts of Money bring Incomprehensible Violence
Four young RCMP officers are dead -- enough pious fraud and fabrication about "reviewing", "dialogueing" about grow-ops and "re-organizing".
The RCMP don't have the resources to protect Canadians, despite the Public Security Minister's constant reassurances. How many officers above the attrition rate have been hired with that $8 billion (over 5 years) they are supposed to put into security? It's an illusion like the $12 billion the military are getting -- in reality $500 million down and the rest on the "if come" basis four years down the road and after a couple of elections.
For 10 years the government has been BS'ing the public because the media have given them a free pass. The government has allowed the situation to get so out of hand it is now a $20 billion business which they have completely ignored. Why?
The murder of four young constables at one time giving their lives for their country is the last straw. One death is one too many, let alone four. Comments from the Public Security Minister such as "review" and "dialogue" on grow ops are just doublespeak for stalling and doing nothing. They've known for years the extent of the problem so there's nothing to review. Action is needed and that action is making sure the RCMP have the resources to protect Canadians. Right now they are short a minimum of 2500 officers. Prosecutors don't have enough resources; sentences are a joke. The Canadian government has provided major criminals an hospitable environment in which to operate. This is well known worldwide.
For those who want action instead of hollow words............
Emails can be sent to the MP's (just click their names and their email addresses will come up.)
Check this site in a few hours -- the RCMP will open a book for those who wish to send their condolences.
RCMP: a book for those who wish to send their condolences
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
# posted by News Junkie Canada at 1:05 PM
Four RCMP Officers Dead -- "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
Besides the links to a petition and a book of condolences below--posted on both sites--there is another post today:
Frost Hits the Rhubarb, March 4, 2005
* RCMP: 4 Officers Slain -- Grow-ops, Major Organized Crime, Massive Amounts of Money bring Incomprehensible Violence
Four young RCMP officers are dead -- enough pious fraud and fabrication about "reviewing", "dialogueing" about grow-ops and "re-organizing".
The RCMP don't have the resources to protect Canadians, despite the Public Security Minister's constant reassurances. How many officers above the attrition rate have been hired with that $8 billion (over 5 years) they are supposed to put into security? It's an illusion like the $12 billion the military are getting -- in reality $500 million down and the rest on the "if come" basis four years down the road and after a couple of elections.
For 10 years the government has been BS'ing the public because the media have given them a free pass. The government has allowed the situation to get so out of hand it is now a $20 billion business which they have completely ignored. Why?
The murder of four young constables at one time giving their lives for their country is the last straw. One death is one too many, let alone four. Comments from the Public Security Minister such as "review" and "dialogue" on grow ops are just doublespeak for stalling and doing nothing. They've known for years the extent of the problem so there's nothing to review. Action is needed and that action is making sure the RCMP have the resources to protect Canadians. Right now they are short a minimum of 2500 officers. Prosecutors don't have enough resources; sentences are a joke. The Canadian government has provided major criminals an hospitable environment in which to operate. This is well known worldwide.
For those who want action instead of hollow words............
Emails can be sent to the MP's (just click their names and their email addresses will come up.)
Check this site in a few hours -- the RCMP will open a book for those who wish to send their condolences.
RCMP: a book for those who wish to send their condolences
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
# posted by News Junkie Canada at 1:05 PM
March 03, 2005
New Posts on Frost Hits the Rhubarb
The following are new posts:
Frost Hits the Rhubarb for March 3, 05 posts
* Update post: Mounties shot -- Burgeoning Grow-ops & You -- Justice in the Bali Bombing?
* Breaking News RCMP: Shootings-Grow Op, Peschmann: UNSCAM CA's Prime Minister-Annan's #2, Al-Qaeda's Armies, Russia's Nukes, Liberal Brand
* Budget 2005 -- Various Angles -- Defense -- Security -- Politics -- Foreign Policy -- Stelco -- UNSCAM Rot -- Financial Markets -- Tung Chee-hwa -- &
* Jonas on Zundel-IRPA, Schoolgirl Wins Right to Wear Muslim gown, Without Firing a Shot!
* Corporate Welfare Shell Game, Corporate Social Responsibility, Punishing Capital & Next Trust Threat
* Harvard: Academic Freedom, Feminists and Science -- & -- Winning Scientists in the Maritimes
* Western Standard: Steyn, Robson, Byfield -- Voices of Intelligence
# posted by News Junkie Canada at 8:06 AM
March 02, 2005
Canadians are Patsies -- & -- UN Global Control Crowd at it Again -- Anti-Canadianism & More -- Updated
List of new posts: Updated
Frost Hits the Rhubarb
* Canada: Reaping What we Sow, Government Still Doesn't Understand Security - Rising Anti-Canadianism, Time for "O, Canada!", Hope-Syria & Lebanon
* Laurie Garrett of 'Newsday' Rips Greed in Exit Memo -- Media Cheerleading on Health News
* Gang Land, CFRB: Police to Israel, Deport 'em all, Bre-X: Felderhof insider trading trial, Terrorist vs Terrorist
* Cdn. Patsies: UNSCAM-Cdn. Connections, Dingwall-Via Rail-$133,000, Revoke Citizenship Terrorist Fateh Kamel, JC & Dictator, CRTC Head-PQ & PM Friend [Note that Louise Frechette and Reid Morden are among those mentioned in the UN article.]
* Canadian Patsies: Illegal Aliens - Refugee Crack Dealers, Founder-Marijuana Party Now a Liberal, Drug Trafficking Ring-Pearson International Airport
* Note This! UN -- Women's Rights -- or Wrongs? -- Appropriate Moral Authority? -- & Petition
The last item provides an example of how the global governance crowd through NGO's and the UN are able to bypass the electorate -- before busy citizens know what hit them. This item will be similar to what occurred with the Kyoto Accord, in that the global governance crowd are active again. Think about what Kyoto is about to bring to Canadians, particularly to business; you will pay. Think also of who has something to gain from Kyoto.
Think then, of the women who have the time for international conferences on women's "rights" and women's "health issues"--euphemisms for abortion, etc--and read this.
# posted by News Junkie Canada at 5:15 AM
March 01, 2005
Follow that Hybrid Car! Adscam, Security, Borders, Terrorists, Israel-World's Myopia & More
There are new posts on
Frost Hits the Rhubarb
* Gomery Inquiry-Too Expensive? Independent Media & Hoi Polloi "Keep on digging", Weston Smells Liberal Fear, CPAC-Himmelfarb, CFRA, Dictator & Chrétien
"Dictator was lobbied by Chrétien" -- a must read
* Follow that Hybrid Car! How the LTTE Came to Canada, Jabarah, Terror's Singapore Front, Israel-Wold's Myopia
* Ad-Scandal $$$, Borders Coyotes & Terrorists -- Mideast Climate Change -- Gender Roles Iraq
# posted by News Junkie Canada at 12:55 PM
February 28, 2005
Judi McLeod: Canada Free Press -- "Canada's hidden, media-ignored role in electronic warfare" & More
Note: If you read nothing else, I think you had better check this one.
Canada's hidden, media-ignored role in electronic warfare Judi McLeod & David Hawkins, February 28, 2005
(David Hawkins, Foundation Scholar-Cambridge University, and founder of the Citizen's Association of Forensic Economists at Hawks’ CAFE, and CFP investigative journalist Judi McLeod, have teamed up to write a series of articles on the UN’s radical socialist agenda executed across Intranets and virtual private networks, operated by the self-styled "Global Custodians". A new feature of Canada Free Press, the ongoing series combines McLeod’s investigative experience and communication skills with Hawkins’ brilliant research linking $40 trillion hedge funds, via an online portal on the 79th floor of One World Trade Center, to "disruptive technologies" developed by Canada for alleged use in the UN Oil-for-Food scam, 9/11 and Kyoto fraud.) This is the second in the series.
Pause and read that again.
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin may have been telling us more than he thought when he said Thursday: "Ballistic missile defence is not where we will concentrate our efforts."
Where Canada is concentrating its efforts should be worthy of both Washington and mainline media attention.
Weapons of electronic intelligence and electronic warfare are where the nation of Canada holds the cutting edge. [. . . . ]
All the following are mentioned. Search:
subsidiaries and sub-contractors, Canadian Steamship Lines, Instrument Approach Procedures (IAP), flying by instruments, MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Limited (MDA), U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Ottawa-based Air Navigation Data (AND), flight simulators, Lansdowne Technologies Incorporated (LTI), Department of Defence, Red-Team Analysis, alleged, collapse of NORAD command, convert hijacked jets into, didn’t happen to share, Arab-speaking terrorist group members, Bombardier, Parisien Research Corporation of Ottawa, Electronic Warfare (EF), and Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Defence Simulation and Training Technology Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN), counter-counter terror
The above has also been posted on Frost Hits the Rhubarb.
Also, there are several new posts on Frost Hits the Rhubarb
* Gomery Inquiry & Shameful Dereliction of Duty by Liberal Propaganda Arm -- Compare the Care & Control: You-Your RRSP vs Government-Your Taxes
* Gomery Follows $$$, Whistleblower Legislation 'So Flawed', Stuffing the Mainstream Media Maw, CFRA,, Music, Salim Mansur, Mark Steyn
* The Budget 2005: Chapter 6 -- "Meeting our Global Responsibilities" -- the chapter with security information -- Note what is emphasized in chapter 6
* Budgetary Tour de Farce
* RCMP Underfunded, Undermanned -- Marijuana Grow Ops Spread -- Yet Government Won't Address the Problem -- Why? MP Chuck Cadman CPC on the Grow Ops
* "Free" Speech, Shivs? Daycare, Propotional Representation, The Valedictorian-Saudi Soldier, Diplomatic Immunity, Little Guy JC, Media, Innu Parents &
* Divorcing Marriage: “The Casualties”
* The Circle Lies Unbroken: drugs . . . gangs . . . money . . . financing for terrorism and more criminality . . . and then more of the same
* First Khadr and now...What a great country for crooks and terrorists -- and "privacy", CSIS: Certificates, TO: Julian Fantino, Terrorists in Canada
# posted by News Junkie Canada at 12:58 PM
February 27, 2005
New Posts
There are new posts on Frost Hits the Rhubarb
# posted by News Junkie Canada at 4:50 PM
February 25, 2005
Power, Crown Corps & Foundations, Legalized Prostitution, Media, Multiculturalixm, IRB, Criminal Gangs & More
There are new posts on Frost Hits the Rhubarb
February 25, 2005
Democratic Power, 'Professional' Women's Power, Hydro Power, Multiculturalism's Power, MP Power, Perp Power & Cop Power
Francois Beaudoin on Crown Corps and Foundations, CBS' Fenton & Media Revelations, UN & US
February 24, 2005
Multiculturalism, IRB, Vietnamese Immigration via Philippines, Vietnamese Asian & Other Criminal Gangs in Canada
All the above can be found here also:Frost Hits the Rhubarb, week of Feb. 20, 05
# posted by News Junkie Canada at 6:05 AM